Sunday, August 11, 2013

Tortillas, another thing I'll never buy pre-made again.

It turns out that tortillas are super easy to make! And freshly made, warm tortillas are about a million times tastier than store bough ones.

You will need:

2 cups plain flour (plus extra for dusting surfaces)
1/2 tsp salt
3/4 cups water
3 tbsp olive oil (plus a tiny splash more for cooking)

THAT'S IT! Well almost, you'll also need a bowl for mixing, a rolling pin and a cast iron skillet (though any heavy bottomed frypan should work if you weren't as lucky as me to received one as a hand me down from your Nan)

Combine flour and salt on a bowl. Make a well in the middle and add the oil and water. Start mixing from the middle slowly pulling the flour mix into the wet bit in the middle. Once it's a gloppy mess turn it out onto a floured surface and give it a couple of kneads. Add a little more flour if it's sticking to your hands.

Once it's smooth and no longer sticky put it back in the bowl and let it rest for about 10 minutes.

Divide into 8 sections then roll them out until they are about 2-3 mm thick.

Put a teeny splash of olive oil into your skillet and heat until its hot but not smoking. Medium heat should do it. Cook each tortilla until it is golden brown and you can see the dough puffing up in a few places then flip it and cook the other side.

Done! Fresh tortillas in less than half an hour and for a fraction of the cost.

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